Benjamin Rabier

Benjamin Rabier
Returning from the First World War, Léon Bel created a new product, a modern processed cheese with exceptional preservation, thanks to its packaging in an airtight metal box. Innovative, on April 16, 1921, he registered the trademark La Vache qui rit® as well as the first illustration of the box, a laughing cow, depicted full-length.
However, Léon Bel was not satisfied with the result and launched a competition that Benjamin Rabier won with a drawing of a pretty, mischievous cow. Léon Bel then decided to dye this cow's head red and, on the advice of his wife, to adorn it with earrings in the shape of a box of La Vache qui rit® cheese, thus creating an image that could be reproduced endlessly... An icon was born...
Benjamin Rabier also owes his fame to his duck Gédéon, also born in 1923, hero of seventeen albums.